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Phone: 289-213-6544
Located: 6546 Charnwood Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON L2H 1Y9

Talk To Us


For over 15 years, Fast Stitches has been the trusted name in the world of tailoring and alterations. With an unwavering commitment to professionalism and craftsmanship, we've earned our reputation as the go-to establishment for all your clothing transformation needs. At Fast Stitches, we understand that clothing is more than just fabric; it's an extension of your personality and style. That's why our expert tailors take great pride in their work, offering an extensive range of services to ensure your wardrobe fits and flatters you perfectly. Whether you require a simple hemming job, intricate adjustments to your wedding dress, or any other type of alteration, our skilled team is ready to bring your vision to life. 


What truly sets Fast Stitches apart is our dedication to custom alterations. We believe that your clothing should be as unique as you are, and our experienced artisans can transform any garment to your exact specifications. From personalized fits to one-of-a-kind designs, we work closely with you to create clothing that reflects your individuality and style preferences.

Suits hanging on a rack
Sewing Machine


Monday - Saturday: 7am - 11pm
​Sunday: 7am - 2pm



You're always welcome to visit our store in person, where our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be ready to assist you. Bring the garment you'd like to have altered, and we'll provide an accurate assessment on the spot. If you prefer the convenience of online communication, simply reach out to us through our website or contact information. Describe the alterations you require and attach clear photos of the garment. Our experienced team will promptly respond with a detailed price quote.

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